Did you miss your school photos? Or have children in different schools/a younger sibling not at school but would like photo of them together? Perhaps you are just unhappy with the photos you have received? Maybe you want something a little less formal? School photos don’t have to be stuffy. If you’d like the traditional…

The beautiful, glamorous Sawtell family. The most fabulous (dahling) people I know. Lois is destined for the stage, her personality and humour shine through in the photos and Harry is going to break a thousand hearts (well actually he probably won’t as he is the sweetest boy ever and would never let a girl down!).…

These must be the best behaved children I have ever met. I am taking tips from their lovely mummy! Three little ones under six is always going to be a challenge, but having the beach as a beautiful backdrop helps to keep the children entertained. The beautiful Carden family.

What a fun morning spent with the Ashley family. I am totally in love with the gorgeous Beatrice. She was such a giggler, with the cheekiest smile, she’s a natural infront of the camera. Britian’s next top model perhaps…?

It was an absolute delight taking photos of the Sefton family. All the children were so relaxed and playful it made my job easy. The boys loved coming up with ideas of poses that they could do 🙂 I love taking photos on the beach as it makes such beautiful, natural backdrop, and living in…

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